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MultiCultural Festival

P.S. 315 hosted their annual MultiCultural Festival! Shout out to Ms. Gonzalez, our parent coordinator, in facilitating this wonderful event. Here are some of the professional photos from the photobooth! 

Notes in Motion

Pictures from the Notes in Motion performance are coming soon!

Reading Garden

P.S. 315 opened up their reading garden! 
Students, teachers and staff are enjoying the beautiful weather while reading some good books. Shout out to Mr. Cassuto for painting the tree stump seats! 

Author Visit

P.S. 315 welcomed Mr. Carlos Hernandez, an American author of Science Fiction and Fantasy.  Grades 3-5 were invited to this special assembly.

Basketball vs. P.S. 361

P.S. 315 hosted a basketball game against P.S. 361!
Grade 5 students are highlighted with their jerseys!
Go Knights!

Jeopardy vs. P.S. 193

P.S. 315 hosted math jeopardy against P.S. 193! 
We want to thank everyone for their participation.
We loved having you here P.S. 193! 

Career Day

Thank you to all family, friends and guardians for making Career Day at P.S.315 so special! 
Students were able to hear from nurses, firefighters, policemen, EMS, yoga instructors, etc!

Women's History Month

Fourth and Fifth grade students presented their Women's History findings to their peers. 
Some of the performances included yoga movements, dancing, showing off their artwork and singing.

Chess Tournament

Congrats to the P.S. 315 Chess Team! 
We are so proud of our students for their effort.

Fitness Fridays

Families of P.S. 315 were invited to attend Fitness Fridays throughout the month of March. Zuba and yoga were one of the few exercise options for our families.

Inside Broadway

Grade 4 Students of P.S. 315 participated in the Inside Broadway residency. The students performed for their parents, guardians and fellow classmates.

Bravo Broadway

Grade 2 Students of P.S. 315 participated in the Bravo Broadway residency. The students performed for their parents, guardians and fellow classmates.

100th Day of School

The 100th Day of School at P.S. 315 was on 2/15! Students dressed up, completed projects and celebrated being more than half-way done with the school year!

Student Government

The results are in! Students in the fifth grade were elected by their peers to be apart of Student Government. They have BIG ideas they cannot wait to implement in the school!

Black History Month

Lunch-a-palooza was a blast! Students at P.S.315 celebrated Black History Month with a DJ at lunch, trivia games and daily informational morning announcements. 

Breakfast with the Principal

Breakfast with the Principal and Assistant Principal is held monthly. See the School Calendar to join us next time! It follows Open Access.

Winter Performance

There was some singing and dancing at P.S. 315! Students performed under the advisement of the dance teacher, Ms. Essner, and the music teacher, Mr. Sokolowski, on 1/23/23.

Harmony Show

Musicians in the making are in the building!
Students from Harmony Afterschool performed for their parents, guardians and peers. Interested in joining? Harmony afterschool is accepting students into their brass program now! Call the main office for more information at 718-421-9560.

Enrichment Clusters

Student Choices are Alive & Well in P.S. 315! Students are researching and getting creative at school. Students are making collages, eating across America, researching animals, painting, drawing & coding!

Auditorium Art

Check out some artwork in our auditorium!
Our art teacher, Mr. Cassuto, and his students are showcasing some of their artwork on the bulletin boards. 

Ballroom Dancing

Ballroom Dancing 12/14/22

Ballroom Dancing 12/14/22

Watch Now

The fifth grade students' ballroom dancing performance was on 12/14.22. Students danced the meringue, the tango and more in front of their teachers, peers and families. Check out the videos of the performances above!

Holiday Chorus Performance 12/19/22

Holiday Chorus Performance 12/19/22

Watch Now

Pajama Day

It's Pajama Day at P.S.315 on 12/16!
Staff and students wore their comfy pajamas to school. Some classes were even getting into the holiday spirit making arts & crafts of gingerbread houses!
Thank you friends and family for joining the classes of P.S.315 during Open Access. 

Harvest Festival

PS 315K and PS 152K held a joint
Harvest Festival to celebrate the Fall season!

Students and their parents participated in activities such as a giant Connect Four, Chutes and Ladders, Tug of War, and bean bag toss. The families also had fun making Thanksgiving puppets, handprint art, nail painting, pie eating contests and henna tattoos. The families had an excellent time and a community feeling was had by all! 

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